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The hard reality of dating a man with a 9.5 inch member – so is bigger really better? One very brave woman confesses all

WHEN it comes to your pay cheque, the amount of legroom you get on a plane and the size of your diamond ring, bigger is unequivocally better.

But when it comes to the size of your man’s manhood, it seems there may be a size that – prepare yourself – is just a bit, well, too big.

Portrait of a couple.
Rachel Taylor and Joe Hutchins reveal if bigger really is better when it comes to the size of a man’s manhood
Lorna Roach
Portrait of a man sitting on a box.
Joe says life with a 9.5 inch penis (when erect) comes with its challenges
Lorna Roach

No one knows this better than Rachel Taylor, whose boyfriend Joe Hutchins’ trouser snake is definitely more anaconda than garden worm.

“It’s 9.5 inches when erect, nearly double the UK average of around 5.1 inches,” the 30-year-old commercial cleaning manager reveals to Fabulous.

“It means full sex is a mission. I have to be so relaxed. There’s no quickie. We indulge in a date night, followed by meditation, massage and lubrication.”

According to the “Am I Normal?” study, 5.16 inches (13.1cm) is the average length of a penis when erect. Just five per cent of erect penises are bigger than 6.3 inches (16cm) long.

Nearly as long as a cucumber

Rachel met bar manager Joe, 28, on Tinder in March 2022, and became aware of his enormous member – nearly as long as a cucumber – on their first date.

“I’d visited him in Truro, Cornwall, where he was living, for a drink and meal and we kissed goodnight,” she says.

“As I did I felt a bump against my leg and I thought ‘Oh my!’ – I realised then he wasn’t your average bloke.”

Two weeks and many WhatsApp messages later, she visited him again and over dinner, Joe asked her if she’d ever been with a man who she thought was just “too big”. 

Joe confesses to Fabulous: “I was conscious of it. I’ve had problems before.

“I’ve slept with a lot of women but when they discover I am well-endowed they are either overjoyed and see me as a challenge or just can’t handle it and do a runner. 

“I’d become used to women claiming ‘size didn’t matter’ and then leaving, unable to cope with the issues that come with a man who is more than just well endowed.”

So – at that dinner – he realised he needed to tell Rachel. 

She recalls: “He was a bit embarrassed and casually admitted he had a rather large penis.

“Then he held up a can of coke and explained that when erect his penis was two coke cans long.

“Then he pointed to the top of the can and explained that it was his willy’s width at full size.

“I was, of course, astonished. It seemed a bit mad.”

But Rachel – feeling sparks between them fly – wasn’t put off and says it made her respect him more.

“I was pleased Joe was upfront with me,” she says. “He wasn’t bragging but showing me he cared enough to give me an easy out if I wanted it. 

“Most men worship their packages. Some blokes tell you their penis is perfect.

“They are not concerned with how you feel about size or how it makes you feel. Joe wasn’t like that.”

Seeing it in the flesh…

That night Rachel chose to stay at Joe’s flat and she got her first chance to see his manhood in the flesh.

“We agreed to take it slow and were in bed kissing,” she says. “When we got undressed, I realised he was not exaggerating his size. Honestly, I was stunned. In the flesh it was huge.”

She says thoughts started racing through her head.

“I was asking myself, ‘can I accommodate that?” she says. “But I knew I wanted to, although I did feel somewhat overwhelmed.”

Joe says he was aware Rachel might be feeling a bit shocked, so made an effort to take things slowly and focus on just having fun and taking their time. 

“I just said we should make out and enjoy ourselves and take our time,” he says. “And it worked.”

Joe is great at foreplay and really understanding and treated me to one of the best nights I had ever had

Rachel Taylor

That night the couple didn’t manage to have sex, although they did have plenty of fun.

“Joe is great at foreplay and really understanding and treated me to one of the best nights I had ever had,” says Rachel.

“The man has skills. I ensured I got up close and personal with him as well. We both satisfied each other.”

Two weeks later Joe visited Rachel in Plymouth.

“I prepared for the visit,” she says. “I had a swim and massage to ensure I was limbered up.

“We had a lush meal, and I had a few cocktails to help relax me.

“We spent a good half-an-hour on foreplay and used plenty of lubricant. Joe suggested I get on top to control how deep he went.

“It took a few attempts and being at the right angle but the slow and very steady approach worked.

“It was incredible, so intense. He was so much more fulfilling than any of the other men I’ve slept with.”

When we got undressed, I realised he was not exaggerating his size. Honestly, I was stunned. In the flesh it was huge

Rachel Taylor

But his mammoth member does present problems.

“Because of how big he is, you cannot just go full force,” she says. “It may sound amazing but let me tell you the sheer length and girth means I need to be totally relaxed before I climb aboard.

“It’s not for the faint-hearted. Full sex must be pre-planned. It is a challenge.

“I need a date night, plenty of foreplay and lots of lubrication.”

Despite the challenges, Joe says their first night together made him realise he had a keeper.

“The fact she didn’t flee the scene was a huge plus,” he says. “I was ready to find a woman who I adored, and I could be myself with.

“I knew that night Rachel and I were in for the long haul.”

The couple felt so in sync with each other just two months after swiping right Joe left his home in Cornwall to move in with Rachel in Plymouth.

“It was quick but when it’s right, it’s right,” he says.

“We just knew,” she adds. “I swiped on his profile thinking he was hot. I didn’t think he would be living with me two months later.”

And two months after that in August 2022, she fell pregnant.

“My breasts ached and I felt different,” she says, admitting they weren’t using any contraception. “But I thought for sure I couldn’t be pregnant.

“We had only done it four times, it was hard to have sex for a prolonged time in one session because of Joe’s maxi-sized member and I suffer from endometriosis so doctors told me I was unlikely ever to get pregnant. I had basically ruled it out.”

The fact she didn’t flee the scene was a huge plus

Joe Hutchins

The couple decided to take a test on the off-chance she was pregnant – secretly hoping she was but expecting her not to be.

“I made him look,” she says. “When it revealed I was pregnant, I was stunned and we were both delighted.

“It was proof my man’s package was not just big but brilliant.

“We’d had less sex, but I literally got more of him and a baby as well.”

During her pregnancy, Rachel’s sex drive increased and she and Joe had full sex around two times a month. 

“But there were times where we’ve had to stop because it was a bit painful,” she says. “I would just say ‘please can we slow down?’ and he was so kind.”

In March 2023, the couple welcomed their son Arthur after a three-hour labour. He weighed 7oz 13lb and was born at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth. 

Just how big is the average penis… really?

How far does the UK rank down the list?

PENIS size – it’s not a competition (or not one Joe will lose). 

But now Joe can work out exactly how big his penis is compared to his counterparts across the globe. 

A group of German scientists have gone to the trouble of putting together an “international comparison” of penis sizes.

They ranked average penis sizes across the world, from biggest to smallest.

“No other topic on this website has been asked for more often than the average size of male genitalia,” researchers from wrote.

The average penis size across all countries was about 5.35 inches, having analysed over 40 studies spanning nearly 90 countries.

But you might have to scan through the list for a good few minutes before your eye falls on the UK and US, as neither of them rank very highly compared to countries like Ecuador, Cameroon and Bolivia.

Men in Ecaudor were deemed to have the largest members, on average measuring 6.93 in from root to tip when erect – that amounts to a whopping 17.61 centimetres.

Blokes from Cameroon followed with an average erect penis size of 6.56 in and Bolivians weren’t far behind, measuring about 6.5in.

Next came Sudan, Haiti and Senegal, where men’s penises tended to measure 6.48, 6.3 and 6.26 inches.

In terms of European countries, the Netherlands and France ranked fairly high.

On average, Dutch and French men’s men members measured about 6.25 and 6.2 inches

Meanwhile, Canadians had an average penis size of 6.19in.

But Americans took up 60th place with a penis size of 5.35in

And Brits placed 68th, with an average of 5.17in

Research suggests men tend to fudge their actual sizes, as they’re trying to attain unrealistic standards.

A doctor recently revealed that the average penis size is actually much smaller than most of us think.

“When I saw our son’s head emerge, I got a real understanding of what Rachel feels if I do not ensure she is totally relaxed,” says Joe. “I have even more respect for her and our sex life watching her give birth.”

With the pair happily settled into the realities of family life, sex was initially off the menu.

“It took me three months to recover from giving birth and become relaxed enough with a new baby to be in a head space for full sex,” says Rachel.

When I saw our son’s head emerge, I got a real understanding of what Rachel feels if I do not ensure she is totally relaxed

Joe Hutchins

“Joe was totally exhausted as well. But our first time after having a baby was great. 

“Now we still have fun in the bedroom but normally stick to other acts rather than penetration because it is easier and often more fulfilling for both of us. 

“We have full sex once or twice a month – I need to be completely at ease and even with foreplay, it’s tricky.

“We can’t just jump into bed. We often have to pre-plan a date when our son is with a relative.

“I feel guilty but so does Joe. But we talk about it and that really helps. 

“We find pleasure in other sex techniques, and he is an impressive lover because he knows how to turn me on.”

We find pleasure in other sex techniques, and he is an impressive lover because he knows how to turn me on

Rachel Taylor

But the couple love being parents so much they want to have baby number two. 

“Planning is tricky because I am trying to track fertility while simultaneously being relaxed enough to make love,” she says. 

“Factor in a tearaway toddler and it means military-style planning and relaxation of epic proportions.”

‘Mr Too Big’

Joe, a former competitive horse-rider and riding instructor, adds having a big willy has affected all areas of his life.

He says: “Growing up, I always had to get trousers tailored around the crotch area.

“Over the years I learnt how to position my penis when I’m horse-riding, but it still causes me a lot of pain when I’m show jumping.”

He adds the couple joke they’re like the Sex and the City episode ‘Mr Too Big’ where the pro-sex Samantha can’t have sex with a man because his penis is too large… but desperately tries. 

“I’m not a SATC fan but Rachel made me watch it and I was really laughing… that episode is our life,” Joe says. 

Rachel adds most people think she’s in a fantasy world – but she’s not. 

“Women whose men have aubergine-sized members do not know what they’re getting themselves in for,” she says.

“It sounds great on paper but in reality it really can make relationships harder, and you have to really want the relationship to work.

“We’re proof that despite – not because of – Joe’s penis we work well as a team.”

Additional reporting: Alley Einstein

Man sitting in a chair with his arms crossed.
Joe admits he’s had to get his trousers tailored in order to accommodate his manhood
Lorna Roach
Man in a dark shirt and checked pants.
Joe discussed his penis size with Rachel before they got intimate
Nick Obank
Close-up photo of a couple embracing.
The pair have found a way to have a happy and healthy sex life, despite the challenges
Couple enjoying cocktails at a bar.

The pair, who met via Tinder, now have a son called Arthur together[/caption]

Photo of a couple at a restaurant.

Rachel and her partner Joe[/caption]

Photo of a couple posing for a picture.
Rachel says dating a man with a huge trouser snake isn’t all good

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