BEER-DRINKING blokes tend to be more fertile and father more children, a study shows.
Enjoying an occasional pint seems to improve the chances of would-be dads, a study of couples having IVF found.

Beer-drinking blokes tend to be more fertile and father more children, a study has revealed[/caption]
Highest pregnancy rates were in those who drank least coffee and most beer[/caption]
Moderate consumption — rated as one unit a day, or half a pint — can have a positive effect.
The study, which contradicts medical advice that hopeful parents should quit booze, was carried out at Harvard University in the US.
A team studied data from 296 couples and grouped the men based on their tea, coffee, beer, spirits and fizzy pop consumption.
Highest pregnancy rates were in those who drank least coffee and most beer — 60 and 59 per cent, respectively.
Study author Professor Jorge Chavarro said: “We found that . . . beer intake was positively associated with the probability of a live birth.
“Coffee or tea with caffeine, and liquor, had the reverse association.”
The reason was “unclear”, he said, but beer drinkers may be healthy in other ways and moderate consumption is unlikely to change semen.
The NHS suggests couples trying for a baby should limit themselves to six units per week — less than half the usual 14.
A spokesman said: “Ideally people should avoid alcohol completely.
“Excessive alcohol reduces fertility and damages sperm.”
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