A CHEF who was addicted to takeaways has revealed how she kicked the habit and lost a whopping 12 stone in just nine months.
Jasmin Harman, 30, ballooned to 21st 11lbs after scoffing down pizzas, McDonald’s and KFCs each night after work.

Jasmin, who was addicted to eating takeaways, has lost an incredible 12 stone in just nine months[/caption]
She used to eat McDonald’s and KFC daily because she couldn’t be bothered to cook after a long shift at work[/caption]
The self-confessed ‘Takeaway Queen’ admitted that as she didn’t feel like cooking after a long shift in the dementia care home she works in, she’d resort to eating cheap junk food instead.
She’d start the day by skipping breakfast, and then feasting on quick beige foods like crisps, sausage rolls and biscuits.
For dinner she said they would order enough to ‘feed a family’, focusing on cheap pizzas, KFC and McDonald’s.
But the wake-up call came when she approached her 30th birthday in April last year, and felt “ashamed” when she looked in the mirror.
She’d been bullied at school for being the “fat kid” and didn’t want to end up an overweight 30-year-old too.
“The final straw for me was looking in the mirror one morning last year and being ashamed at what I saw,” she sighed.
“I was about to approach my 30 year milestone and I just thought ‘how has it come to this?’ “
Jasmin’s weight was also affecting her dream of starting a family, as she was refused medical help for her polycystic ovary syndrome because her BMI was too high.
“I didn’t feel the doctors were very supportive with the fertility side, they were just going to call us fat and overweight,” she added.
“So I knew I needed to give myself a kick up the bum if I ever wanted to start a family.”
So Jasmin decided to join her local Slimming World group following her aunt’s recommendation, and began replacing sausage rolls and biscuits for lunch with healthier alternatives.
“I was nervous at first but I soon realised everyone was in the same boat,” she said.
“The first month was pretty much following the healthy eating plan, and then from there I’ve added in more exercises.”
It was weekly Zumba classes that also helped her shift the pounds, and within a matter of months, Jasmin went from a dress size 26 to a svelte size 10.
She now exercises for at least eight hours a week and spends more time walking her golden retriever and tending to her horse.
Jasmin, from Lincoln, now hopes to have a baby with husband Jamie, 30, as she now weighs a healthy 10 stone.
Jasmin’s diet overhaul
JASMIN Harman lost 12 stone in just nine months – here’s how she did it, and how joining Slimming World helped her overhaul her unhealthy eating habits.
Breakfast – Nothing
Lunch – Crisps, pastries, sausage rolls, anything beige
Dinner – KFC, McDonald’s, pizzas, cheap takeaways
Breakfast – Oats, Weetabix, eggs
Lunch – Pre-made salad or a yoghurt dish
Dinner – Mainly chicken dishes and at least half a plate of veg
“It has completely transformed my life,” she gushed of her weight loss.
“I have learned to love myself again and no longer hiding in the shadows, quiet and alone, instead of pushing people away, I embrace every interaction.
“Sometimes I still can’t believe it.”

Jasmin is now also hoping to achieve her dream of starting a family with husband Jamie[/caption]